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Circle Rules Football

Circle rules football, circle rules in short, is a sport loosely derived from association football. The sport was invented in the United States rather recently in 2006 and has spread to several cities within the country.

The sport is played on a circular field. There is just one goal post in the middle of the field through which goals are scored, but both teams should score in opposing directions. A large inflated ball similar to a stability or yoga ball is used for playing. A circular area, called the key, is marked around the goal post, which is restricted for only goal keepers to enter.

A match is played between two 6-player teams. One player from each team is designated as the goal keeper. The objective of the sport is to score as many goals as possible. Players are allowed to move the ball by any means possible, which includes, kicking, dribbling, rolling, carrying, or throwing. The only restriction is that players are not allowed to hold the ball with both hands or against their body.

Matches are played for four 15-minute periods. The team with the most goals at the end wins the match. Five-minute extra time plays are used in case of a tie.

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