Here is some Information about the equipment used for lacrosse. The equipment may vary between the different types of lacrosse.

The Stick
The tip of the lacrosse stick has a loose mesh designed to hold and catch a lacrosse ball. In intercrosse, the stick used has a plastic head.
The Ball
Unlike tennis balls, lacrosse balls are firm like a rubber baseball and don't squish under pressure. The ball’s weight is about 140-149 grams. For intercrosse the ball used is soft, large and hollow.
The Field
Lacrosse is either played outdoor or indoor. The game is played on rectangular fields with goals at either end. The outdoor lacrosse field is 110 yards long by 60 yards wide. Intercrosse is played on a smaller 40 m X 20 m field. The indoor 'box' lacrosse play area is much shorter - the games are usually played on an ice rink where the ice has been removed or covered.
Protective Gear
The players equip themselves with a lacrosse stick, and protective gear which may include a helmet, eye protection, shoulder pads, elbow pads, and athletic cup gloves.
Related Pages
- Lacrosse Balls vs Foam Rollers for Athlete Recovery
- Lacrosse demonstration at the Olympic Games
- Lacrosse at the Olympic Games
- A short summary of Lacrosse the Sport
- Lacrosse Books for sale.