Here is a profile of NBA basketball player Michael Jordan, with comments and my rating out of five for each of my five main characteristics of a sporting hero. You can also give your rating for Michael Jordan using the same criteria.
rating | ||
skill | Michael Jordan played 14 exceptional seasons in the NBA, as well as a stint in baseball. In 1996, he was voted No.1 of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History. | 5 |
character | In his public character, Michael appears to be a determined person, a perfectionist. He had to overcome many obstacles to reach the peak in his sport. In interviews he appears friendly and likeable. There was criticism of his ungrateful speech at the 2009 Hall of Fame, and he has past evidence of gambling addictions. | 3.5 |
family | Jordan's marriage to Juanita in 1989 produced three children. It lasted about 17 years, though the relationship was on and off a few times due to "irreconcilable differences,", and they finally split at the end of 2006. One catalyst for the breakup was a five-year illicit relationship with Karla Knafel. Jordan had allegedly paid his former lover $250,000 to keep their relationship a secret. | 2 |
charity work | He does not appear to be involved in high profile charity work. He occasionally can be found playing in celebrity charity golf tournaments. In 1996 he founded a Chicago area Boys & Girls Club and dedicated it to his father. There may be other examples. | 2.5 |
popular culture | Jordan is exceptionally well known in basketball and other circles, all around the world. He has been very well marketed. | 4.5 |
hero rating | Although he has retired from playing, Michael Jordan is still in the public eye and a hero and inspiration to many people. | 70% |
Who else thinks Michael Jordan is a Hero?
- My Hero: Michael Jordan, Why?: Because he is an absolute Cavallo. Suggested by: Peter "The Cav" Peterson (June 2021)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan, Why?: He is the goat and always motivates me to do my best at basketball games.
Suggested by: Mike (March 2021)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan, and baseball, Why?: He is the kind of person who will never give up and that is so encouraging to kids. Suggested by: Sara (Jan 2021)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan. Why?: He flew and did whatever he wanted and he won. Suggested by: Mehtab Singh (Nov 2020)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan Why?: Because he is one of the best players in all of basketball. He never gives up, he is a winner not a loser. (Nov 2019)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan Why?: Because he was a winner not a loser Suggested by: momo (Jan 2018)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan, , Why?: Because he is a hard worker and he was a winner not a loser. Suggested by: Joe (Sept 2012)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan Why?: He avoided all block,and still he can take score,he's a massive player. Suggested by: jody (Feb 2012)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan Why?: because he is the best player to have played the game and because he never give up and he always want to be better and never stop working hard, Suggested by: Ahmed Jannadi (Jan 2012)
- My Hero: Michael Jordan. Why?: His quotes are encouraging that's why. Suggested by: Vikki Jày
- My hero is Micheal Jordan. Becasue he is the best player that dunk from the longest range by flying in the air for some sec before dunking. Suggested by remyboy. (July 2010)
- My hero is Michael Jordan. Becasue he never gives up. Suggested by eni (April 2010)
Is Michael Jordan your hero? Tell me why.
Related Pages
- Why don't you suggest your hero, and tell me why.
- Give your rating for Michael Jordan using the same criteria.
- Details about the 5 Criteria that makes a sporting hero
- Athlete Profile of Michael Jordan
- Home of Heroes