Ice dancing (known at the time as "rhythmic skating") was a demonstration sport at the 1968 Olympic Games in Grenoble, France. It was the only demonstration sport at those Olympics. Ice dancing later became an official Winter Olympic sport starting from 1976 in Innsbruck.
Often described as ballroom dancing on ice, ice dancing is one of the events forming part of figure skating, with an emphasis more on how gracefully the skaters make their way around the ice compared to the similar pairs figure skating.

The demonstration of ice dancing was part of the closing ceremony on Feb 18, 1968. The best ten partners from the last world championship took part in the exhibition. No medals were awarded.
The Participants
- Joni Graham and Don Phillips (Canada)
- Janet Sawbridge and Jon Lane (Great Britain)
- Yvonne Suddick and Malcolm Cannon (Great Britain)
- Diane Towler and Bernard Ford (Great Britain)
- Edit Mató and Károly Csanádi (Hungary)
- Pakhomova and Gorshkov (Russia)
- Irina Grishkova and Viktor Ryzhkin (Russia)
- Judy Schwomeyer and Jim Sladky (USA)
- Angelika Buck and Erich Buck (West Germany)
- Milena Tůmová and Josef Pešek (Czechoslovakia)
- Rapport officiel, Xes jeux Olympâques d'Hiver (Official report, Xth Winter Olympic Games)
Related Pages
- More about the sport of ice dancing
- Ice Dancing official sport at the Winter Olympics.
- More on Winter Olympic Games demonstration sports
- Winter Olympics Discontinued Sports
- More Demonstration Olympic Sports
- More about the Winter Olympic Games