The curl up measuring strip is an aid for use with the sit-up test that forms part of the Brockport Physical Fitness Test and the FitnessGram Program. For details of how to use the strips, see the curl up test description. We have links to the strips for sale, though here we show you how easy it is to make your own.
There are two sizes (different widths), the 3.0 inch (7.6cm) measuring strip is for 5-9 year olds, the 4.5" (11.4 cm) is used for students age 10 and up.
The strips are used by placing them under the knees, with the front edge indicating the starting position, and the width indicating how far the student needs to curl up.
At a very basic level, you could just mark the floor with some chalk or tape. However, the test works best if the subject can feel the edges of the strip. You could also use a piece of cardboard cut to the right dimensions, though it may slip and change position.
Some people have had good success making their own using cupboard liners, or thick tape that they can feel the edge of. These ideas are all good alternatives to buying the curl up measuring strips.
Related Pages
- buy the curl-up measuring strip
- About Brockport Physical Fitness test battery.
- The FitnessGram Program.
- About buying the PACER audio cd and a sit up beep test mp3
- Other fitness testing products