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McCloy Physical Fitness Index

The McCloy Physical Fitness Index (PFI), by Charles H McCloy, is an adaptation of Rogers Physical Fitness Index, an early attempt to create a single fitness index based on scores from a range of fitness tests. There are six tests that predominantly measure strength endurance, the results combined to a single score.

Original Version

When first presented, the McCloy Physical Fitness Index involved the six strength measures on the Rogers PFI, leaving out the lung function test. The test were Grip Strength (left & right hand), Back Lift, Leg Lift, Chin Ups and Dips. The sum of the scores of these tests yields the strength index. This strength index is divided by the normal strength and multiplied by 100 to produce a Physical Fitness Index.

Modern Version

There are several references to another version of the McCloy Physical Fitness Index online, though no reference to the original source can be found. In this version, there are five tests, and the scoring is simplified to just taking the average result.

Scoring: Record the number of reps completed for each exercise. You can combine the individual results into a Physical Fitness Index by adding together the repetitions completed for each exercise and then dividing the total by five. Results should be taken at regular intervals to monitor fitness changes over time.


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