Coordination is the ability to move two or more body parts under control, smoothly and efficiently. Coordination is typically measured using tests of hand-eye or foot-eye coordination such as throwing, catching or bouncing a ball, or hitting an object. Manual dexterity tests, or tests of hand-eye coordination also fall into this category.

Coordination tests are not commonly used in a fitness test battery for athletes, though coordination itself plays a big part in the performance of agility tests, and many other fitness tests such as the vertical jump and throwing power tests.
What is Coordination?
Coordination is a complex skill that requires good levels of other fitness components such as balance, strength and agility. On a sporting field, someone who appears to be well coordinated may also be displaying good timing. It is also a difficult skill to teach, rather it is something that is achieved through proper development throughout early life development. As such, coordination tests are often used in a test battery for monitoring a young person's development or lack thereof.
Usually people have better coordination on one side of the body than the other - not many people can throw and catch equally well with either hand! As an example of a coordination test, the Wall-Toss Test of hand-eye coordination is described on this site. See the box for other coordination tests too.
Coordination Tests
- Stick Flip Coordination Test — attempt to flip a stick using two other sticks.
- Wall-Toss Test — throw a ball against a wall from one hand in an underarm action, and attempt to catch it with the opposite hand
- Juggling Coordination Test — keep an object in the air, hitting it from hand to hand
- Block Transfer
- Soda Pop Test
- Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test
- Plate Tapping
- Light Board Test (also reaction)
- See also Agility Tests
Related Pages
- Reaction Time Tests
- Fitness Test Categories
- Complete List of Fitness Tests
- What are the highest ranking sports requiring hand-eye coordination?