The unusual sport of Polish Dragon Boat Racing is also called "tug of oars" or "dragon war". In this sport, teams of six or eight rowers sit facing each other in a dragon boat, and attempt to paddle toward each other.
The sport is a version of Dragon Boat Racing, in the form of tug-of-war, in which one team tries to push the boat forward, while the other team tries to rwo back in the oppositite direction.
The sport has gained some popularity after coming to the world's attention when video of a tug-of-oars competition was held at the National Dragon Boat Competition in Olsztyn, in Poland in 2015. There have been examples of similar events held since, but there are no regular competitions and no leagues or championships, though we would love to see this sport become more popular.
See a video of Polish Dragon Boat Racing.
Related Pages
- About Dragon Boat Racing
- About the sport of tug-of-war
- More unusual sports
- Videos of unusual sports