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Scootsol is a new sport created by Ron Dery in 2015, from Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada. Imagine soccer on scooters. We play in the cul-de-sac in front of my house with two hockey nets. The nets are approximately 30 yards apart. This gives enough room for a 2 vs 2 game and no goalies. With more players you would need a larger play surface.


The rules are simple:

  1. You must have one foot on the scooter at all times when traveling or kicking the ball. Otherwise possession goes to the other team.
  2. No hands.
  3. Ball can be "picked up" by a player (by squeezing it between foot and leg or foot and scooter) and carried for as far as you can coast.
  4. Players cannot stand front of the net for more than three seconds (like the 3 seconds in the key rule in basket-ball).
  5. Players are allowed to play behind the net (we usually don't use boundaries other than driveways and other streets).

Other rules would and could be added for more players. For instance, you could add a (scooterless) goalie but would require a larger net.

Play is fast pased and a lot of fun. The more we play, the more the kids are developing and more and more "scooter-ball" skills are showing up.

Equipment Required


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