The new sport of RuneBall was created by Roy Birney from Denver, Colorado USA in 2006. In Runeball, two opposing teams from 2 - 4 players each strike a rubber ball similar to a basketball into a 10' wide by 7' tall goal. Players defend their goal using a RuneSword, and may not touch the ball.
Equipment Required: RuneSword & RuneBall
Sport Description
The RuneBall is hit with a wooden sword called a Rune Sword into the goal. Played by two opposing teams each defending their goal. Players may not touch the ball, and must defend the goal using the sword only.
Each player has 8 points and each time they touch the ball or are touched by another players sword they lose a point. In this way players can be removed from the play.
The Field is 30' wide by 60' long. Out of bounds rules are similar to other sports. Field is divided into two sides. Each team has the first 20' of their side which the other team cannot access. This leaves the middle of the field to retrieve the ball.
Players can touch other players with their swords to reduce opponents points. As players advance combos can be used to increase points of a strike.
Related Pages
- See other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports
