Punchyball is a new sport created by Jason Hokkanen & Linus Truniger from New Hope, MN USA in 2005. It is a game for holidays, pandemics, winter, night time, anytime! A game for all ages and abilities - from childhood to assisted living and beyond. Therapeutic! Increased range of shoulder motion! Physical fitness! Laughter! Hours of fun. Tournaments. Trophies! A simple yet super fun and addicting indoor game with a combination of flavors including ping pong, racquetball, volleyball, dodgeball, and soccer.
Equipment Required: PUNCHYBALL, PUNCHYBALL net
Sport Description
- Only 2 players per game. Exception: if a player is very young, advanced in age, or has a physical or developmental disability, 1 person may assist this player. However it is important to remember not to take over the game for these individuals.
- Game goes up to 11 but you must win by 2 or the game continues until someone wins by 2.
- Coin toss to determine who serves first.
- Must have at least 1 successful volley (Player 1 serves, Player 2 hits it back over the middle) in order for point to be awarded. This is the case with all serves.
- Players get three hits of the PUNCHYBALL to get it over the middle each time it's in their court. Can use upper body, including head, to hit the ball. No kicking allowed. Feet or legs may be used stop the ball from hitting the ground, but not for volleying over the middle.
- When either player scores a point, it's their serve.
- Walls, furniture, and ceilings are allowed to be hit. People can be hit by PUNCHYBALL anywhere on their body without penalty. Ball cannot touch the floor or point is awarded to opposing team.
- Exception: spikes are forbidden. The round will be replayed if a player spikes the ball. No points are awarded if it hits the ground due to a spike.
Related Pages
- See other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports
