The new sport of PointBall was adapted in 2016 by Jawad Hodgson from England, United Kingdom, based on a sport he played at school invented by his school sports coach. The only equipment required is a soccer ball.
4-8 players (2-4 on each team) have to throw a football (Soccer ball) to each other until they reach 30 points (30 successful passes). There are two teams. Once they successfully pass the ball to each other and score 30 passes, they earn one 'set'. The aim of the game is to get the most sets and points before 90 minutes is up.
The referee will hold the ball (It is a soccer ball) in the air until the whistle blows. Once the whistle blows, the referee shall throw the ball into the air, and both team will try and get their hands on it. Once one team takes possession of the ball, he cannot move, but can pivot 360 degrees around the spot he stands, to try and pass it to another team mate. Once he passes it successfully to another team mate, the team will receive a point.
Both teams will have to pass it to there other team mates with out there opponents tackling, and if reach 30 successful passes, they receive a set. Once that happens, the round will restart, and both teams will get in position just as they did at the start of the match, and try and take possession of the ball.
As mentioned earlier, the player if they have the ball cannot move, but pivot around in his spot. If they hold the ball for more than 5 seconds, the opposing team will take possession of the ball. If the opposing team has the ball, the other team will have to take possession of the ball. Players are not allowed to tackle the ball of each other.
If the opposing team has the ball, the other team will try and take possession of the ball once the player throws the ball. If caught by an opposing team, the point count will halt of the team that just had the ball, and the point count will go on for the other team who has possession of the ball. If the other team manages to get the ball back, then the point count will resume from where it was halt.
Creator's Note
This is a sport originally played in my old school. The original game that we played, which was made up and I believe had no name but Bib ball (Because sometimes we would use a tied-up bib). In my new school, I adapted the game heavily, and gave the sport a new name, but keeping some of the original sport's characteristics.
Related Pages
- Other new sports
- Complete list of unusual sports