Plush-Bouncing is a new sport created by Max Gavilovskis from Ireland in November, 2019. In Plush-Bouncing you bounce a soft, plushy cube with your hands and against other euqipment to keep it in the air longer than your opponent.
Equipment Required: A Soft, Plush-like Cube. Hands.
Sport Description
You and your opponent both get a soft, plushy cube. The game begins when you bounce your cube off of your hands or another surface ( Like a wall, ceiling, door, etc... ) BUT NOT THE FLOOR.
You and your opponent must then both bounce the cube with your hands ( and other equipment ) whilst not letting it fall to the floor or making it stop moving. Whoever keeps it in the air the longest wins.
- You cannot hold the cube or keep it still once you have started, you must keep it moving.
- If your cube touches the floor you are out and your opponent wins.
- you can bounce the cube off of other body parts like your knee, foot and head, but only one part can touch the cube at a time.
- You can use your cube to knock your opponent's cube onto the floor if you like.
- you can use your opponent as a surface to bounce your cube off of.
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