The new sport of Paper Airplane Targets was created by Catie from Santa Monica, CA in February 2016. The objective of this sport is simple, you aim to hit a target with a paper airplane. The sport can be played indoors in a gym or outdoors at a park. Equipment required: Paper Airplanes, a target board with 4 circles, measuring tape.
- The paper airplane must land on the target on the ground.
- The first circle is worth 5 points.
- The second circle is worth 10 points.
- The third circle is worth 15 points.
- The fourth circle is worth 20 points.
- If the paper airplane lands outside the target, it is out of the game.
- Each player or team gets four turns.
- Teams have to have four players if you play with a team.
- Players from different teams can try to knock other paper planes off the target to get a better score.
- If the paper airplane lands in multiple circles, a judge will measure which circle the paper plane is in most to the points.
- The game ends at 100 points. The team or the individual player who gets the most points on target wins.
Related Pages
- Other new sports
- Complete list of unusual sports
