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Loveball - A New Sport for Couples

The new sport of Loveball was created by Alexandre Nshimirimana from Burundi in May 2019. It is a competitive five ball running sport between husband and his wife teams or others very known to be in love. The objective of loveball is to increase the participation of women in the sporting world.

Equipment Required: 9 near soccer conditions balls, 4 goaltrees, the soft pitch adapted to high speed running

Sport Description


at center: A square of 30m of side. In its center, another square of 5m of size, in its center, a circle of 2m of diameter. All those shapes are divided into four equal parts by a cross of 2m large and ended at 10m from the goaltree, that way separates two running competitors is a dividing way.

A ball is deposed at 5m from goaltree at a scoring line. From the ball to the goal tree, there is 5m. 5m of the way end and 10m forward the goaltree are in a rectangular of 5m large and 10m long end in the goaltree, four goaltrees, each one at each side of the pitch. Every goaltree is between two starting balls deposed in two half circles of 2m of diameter.

How to play

To start, two opponent players, start from two starting balls and run to kick out with feet the headward two other starting balls, turn to kick out the starting balls where they started, return to kick the scoring ball on the goaltree which was between two balls kicked out for the first time, return to do the same where they kicked out two ball for the second time, they return, run to the central square but never get in the central circle and run the South goaltree. every one in their way. Who is in the right hand takes the left hand after turning, and who is in the left hand, the right one, they run and run to kick out two balls, return to kick out the two others of the last goaltree,then,they return back to score, and return back again to score the final score. From the beginning to the last moment, the arrives firstly kicks the scoring ball on the goaltree.

To get a score is to make four scoring balls on goaltrees and make them backbounce and cross the scoring lines. If the fourth scoring ball is scored at 60th second, the couple wins four goals and any additional 10 sec reduce one goal till to manus and any reduction of 10 sec add one goal, that condition for players confirmed fit, others, it is to win 4 or 0. After one round it is a pause of 10 min and interchange their starting points.

Many couples may make one team. A couple can not divorce before two years. divorced couple must wait for two years.

If the sport is played by any man any woman who are not connected by love, for example, school kids, or children,...the sport becomes GENDERBALL. For one gender, it becomes RUNBALL.


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