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Ideas For New Sports

Many new sports are created out of boredom with current sports, and the opportunity provided with new and unique playing spaces or equipment. If you are wanting to create a new sport, read the guide to inventing new sports, and see below for some inspiration.


Barry Cockswain sent me this new sport idea 'Equine Basket-Dwarfs'. The game is played by the dwarfs, who will be riding on horses. The objective of the game is to score points by throwing the basketball through the hoop. The dwarfs will ride the horses and stand on each others shoulders if necessary. When defending players can use a lasso to pull opponents from their horses. The game requires: 1. Twelve full grown dwarfs, six on a team, 2. Six horses, three per team, 3. A basketball
4. Helmets and padding, 5. A lasso. OK, pretty unrealistic, but you get the idea. You need to think outside the square. A new sport should have something unique that makes it stand out from other sports.

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New Sports

New sports are being created all the time. Check out our list of over 300 new sports submitted by visitors to this site. If you want to submit a new sport, check out our guide first.

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Check out the 800+ sports in the Encyclopedia of Every Sport. Well not every sport, as there is a list of unusual sports, extinct sports and newly created sports. How to get on these lists? See What is a sport? We also have sports winners lists, and about major sports events and a summary of every year.

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