The new outdoor sport called G-Ball was created by Gregory Peterson of Minnesota USA. He has been developing it since 2014, and hopes to make this sport popular. In G-Ball you use a tennis ball and you try to pass it to your teammates and then you try and shoot it into the goal by throwing it in. Bodychecking can be involved so you can try and get the ball back in your team's possession. You can take five steps with the ball but then you have to bounce it off the ground for every step after that.
Game Rules
- You can only check people when they have possession of the ball
- No checking from behind, No fighting, No tripping, Checks must be from hip to shoulders, and no blocking (like in American football)
- These penalties will result in a 1 minute power play for the other team (One less person on the field)
Field size: 50 yards long and 25 yards wide (Rectangular) - Goals are 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide
- The positions are: 1 Goalie, 2 Defence, 2 Midfielders, and 2 Attack. Each position has special rights
- Attack must stay in the offensive half of the field at all times
- Midfielders can go wherever
- Defence must stay in the defensive half of the field at all times
- Goalies can go where ever
- The crease around the goal is 6 yards in diameter. Only the goalie and his defence are allowed in the crease
- The goals are 5 yards from the out of bounds line
- There is a 7 yard radius line around the goal, Attack aren't allowed to shoot inside the line
- There is a 14 yard radius line around the goal, Midfielders aren't allowed to shoot inside the line
- There is also a 21 yard radius line around the goal, Defence aren't allowed to shoot inside the line
- If a goalie wants to score he must drop his throwing hand glove and racket on his half of the field or give it to one of his defencemen.
- The face off is like basketball where the ref throws up the ball but the face off guy catches it normally
Equipment Required
- Goalie: Tennis racket, Baseball glove, Lacrosse or hockey glove on other hand, Chest protector, and Helmet with full face protection
- Defence/Midfielder/Attack: Baseball glove and hockey helmet (No faceshield)
- Tennis ball
- Uniforms: Shorts, non metal cleats, and t-shirt
Related Pages
- Other new sports
- Complete list of unusual sports
