Candown is a team sport where the primary objective is for an offensive player to throw the ball so it hits the can for a mark. The team that scores the most marks wins the game. There are two teams and each team has four players on each side. Both teams take turns playing on offense and defense. The secondary objective is for the defense to take away scoring opportunities from the offense by blocking, stealing or intercepting the ball.
Equipment Required: Soccer ball or Volleyball, Field cones, One trash can
Sport Description
Playing Area/Start of Game
- There is a zone where the offense and defense have to be at all times
- The entry line is where an offensive player enters to begin play as well as where players must stop when moving backwards
- The boundary lines on the side are where players must stop at when moving sideways
- The end line is where players must stop when moving forward
- The can must be placed several feet beyond the end line
- Both teams are not allowed to exit the zone
- Game starts and resumes with a rush
- One offensive player stands on the entry line and runs into the zone to start play
- The player must enter the zone immediately
- The offensive player entering the zone cannot pass or score the ball until they have both feet inside the zone
- The other players can stand inside the zone
- Offensive players are allowed to move around by jouncing the ball (hitting it continuously in the air)
- Players are only allowed to jounce the ball with one hand
- Players can do the following after catching the ball with both hands after jouncing
- They can pass the ball to their teammates
- They can throw the ball towards the can
- After jouncing the ball players can catch the ball with both hands and attempt to pass or score
- When the ball is caught with both hands off the jounce then no more than two steps is allowed when attempting to pass or score
- Players cannot jounce the ball again after catching the ball with both hands
- If the ball ends up on the ground after jouncing it then the player must pick it up and pass or shoot, they cannot jounce again
- If the ball touches the ground and a defender hits it to the ground or catches it then play stops
- Defenders can catch the ball out of the air as well
- Kicking is not allowed by both sides
- A pass is when an offensive player hits the ball to a player that catches it and to score an offensive player has to throw the ball toward the can
- A player can pass the ball with one or both hands
- When passing a player can:
- Hit the ball off the jounce
- Hit the ball after catching it with both hands
- Hit the ball out of the air from a teammate passing the ball to them
- Toss the ball up in the air after catching it and then hitting it
- Once a ball is tossed in the air the player must hit the ball out of the air otherwise if it hits the ground the teams switch sides
- The offensive team is allowed up to five passes before they have to attempt to score
- After the fifth pass that player must attempt to score
- Bounce passes are allowed
- If the ball stops bouncing and it rolls then the teams switch sides
- If a player passes the ball and it goes out of bounds then play stops and the teams switch sides
- It does not matter who touched the ball last. If the ball goes out of bounds then the teams switch sides
- If a player passes the ball and it hits the can then it does not count
- The ball must be thrown towards the can
- When an offensive player ends up on the ground with the ball, they cannot get up they must throw/hit the ball from the ground
- A throw is when an offensive player attempts to score the ball
- The ball can be thrown and bounce and hit the can but it cannot roll and hit the can
- An offensive player can only throw the ball with one hand
- An offensive player cannot jump and throw the ball
- If an offensive player jumps and catches the ball out of the air, they must have two feet on the ground before throwing the ball
- An offensive player can take up to two steps while in the act of trying to throw the ball
- Once a ball is thrown then play stops
- If the offensive player throws the ball and it makes contact with the can then the offense continues to play
- The offense scores and is granted a mark
- If the offensive player throws the ball and it doesn't make the contact with the can then the teams switch sides
Defense and Harmful Contact
- Defenders are allowed to block, steal or intercept the ball
- If the ball is touched by the defense at all and it lands on the ground then the teams switch sides
- Harmful contact is not allowed
- Defenders cannot run, jump or lean into an offensive player while trying to intercept, block or steal a pass
- Defenders cannot hit offensive players with their hands/arms while trying to steal
- Offensive players cannot run into defensive players or push them
Scoring Versions
- There are two ways that players can keep track of the score
- First one to ten marks (win by two) and the other is by sets
- Sets
- There are 50 sets in a game
- There is a top half and a bottom half of a set
- The away team goes first and the home team goes second
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