The new sport of Bobball was created by Bob Kemp and Family from Ohio USA in 1994. It is a free flowing game combining elements of soccer and american football. The sport allows players to use both feet and hands. Played with a size 1 soccer ball. and two trash cans (goals). Field can be suited for any number of competitors: 5 on 5 or 6 on 6 seems to be a good number.
Object of the game
A point is scored by hitting a large plastic trash can (32 gal) with a small (size one) soccer ball. The ball may be thrown, kicked or headed against/into the goal from any angle. All goals are one point.
Bobball field: Two goals are placed on opposite ends of the field in the middle of circular crease 7 feet in diameter. Dimensions of the field should be about 50 yards long, and at least by 30 yards wide. Goals should be ~10 yards from the end line.
Out of bounds: If the ball goes out of bounds, or player in possession of the ball, then the opposing team gets possession of the ball at the point on the sideline where the ball went out of bounds. Out of bounds are determined by the players at the beginning of the game.
Starting: Ball must be played backward from the center start line.
Advancing the ball: The ball may be thrown, kicked or headed forward. If the ball is thrown forward and is caught on the fly, the receiver may continue to run with the ball in hand, the ball may then be passed forward again. If the ball is thrown forward and is not caught, then a player on the offensive team must kick the ball (forward or backward) before the ball can be picked up again. The defense may pick up the ball at any time. The ball may be kicked in any direction at any time during. Kicking the ball (by either team) allows for the ball to then be picked up and possessed with your hands. If the ball is thrown backward, the ball does not need to be caught on the fly to be picked up and passed again (ie. it can bounce and still be played with your hand).
Tagging a player with the ball: If a player has possession of the ball and is touched by a defensive player, then the offensive player must give up possession of the ball. The defensive team is now given possession of the ball where the touch occurs, and must restart with a play of the ball backwards to another teammate. An offensive player may drop the ball before being touched and continue to play with his/her feet to avoid the turnover. However, the ball may not be bounced forward by hand to avoid being tagged while in possession of the ball (no basketball dribbling). If an offensive player catches the ball while in the air, they are not considered in possession of the ball until the land on the ground. This airborne offensive player can attempt to play the ball forward and may score the ball against/in the goal. Similar to an alley oop in basketball. (known as the 'continuation rule')
The crease: If a defensive player puts two feet simultaneously in the crease while a shot at goal is attempted, then the offensive team is awarded a goal. If an offensive player puts two feet in the crease, then the defensive team is awarded the ball at the re-start line. Any score by the offensive team will be nullified.
Improper contact: Grabbing, holding, tackling, or blocking an opponent is strictly forbidden. Screening an opponent (as in basketball) is allowed, but moving into an opponent (blocking) is not.
Related Pages
- Other new sports
- Complete list of unusual sports
