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Slalom Skiing

Slalom skiing is a sport of the alpine skiing discipline that involves skiing through several poles called gates.

The length of the skis used varies amongst riders, but the minimum ski length currently required is 165cm for men and 155cm for women. The other equipment that athletes commonly use are helmets, shin pads, and hand and face guards.

A slalom course consists of a series of alternating pairs of blue and red gates. The number of gates used is between 55 to 75 for men, and between 40 to 60 for women. The gates are set in different types of configurations to make the run more challenging. For the men's course, the vertical drop is between 180-220m, and it is slightly lower for the women's course.

slalom skiingslalom skiing

The objective for the rider to go through the two poles which form the gate, with the feet and tip of both skis passing through the poles. A run is disqualified if a rider misses any of the gates. The skier with the fastest time through the course is the winner.

Slalom skiing is a medal event for both men and women in the Winter Olympics. It is also a part of the annual FIS Alpine World Ski Championships.

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