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Aerials (Skiing)

Aerials is a sport of the freestyle skiing discipline in which athletes perform various in-air tricks. In aerials, athletes ski down a steep slope towards a take-off ramp. The take-off ramp propels the athlete up in the air. While in the air they perform various moves like flips and twists. Currently, the top athletes can perform three back flips and four or five twists. The landing area is a slope which is about at between 34-39 degrees gradient and 30m in length. Skiers usually reach a height of 20m on their jumps.

In aerial skiing, competitors are judged based on their runs, and are awarded a score. The runs are judged based on three factors, which are: jump takeoff, jump form and landing. Jump takeoff accounts for 30% of the scores, jump-form accounts for 50%, and landing accounts for 30%. The total is calculated with a degree of difficulty (DD) also factored in.

freestyle skiing jumpfreestyle skiing jump

Each skier gets to jump twice and their final score is based on the cumulative score on both the jumps. Competitions are conducted in a rounds format, where athletes get eliminated until the final medals round where the winner is decided.

Aerials is one of the major freestyle skiing disciplines and is currently a part of the Winter Olympics with medal events for both men and women.

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