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Fuzzball is a sport that was derived from baseball and is played exclusively only in a few regions within the United States. The sport is considered to be a street game, that can be played anywhere, using a bat and a ball. Fuzzball is mostly played as a pickup game at a recreational level.

Fuzzball is mostly played with a tennis ball with its skin removed. There are also official fuzzballs available that are sometimes used. Baseball or corkball bats, broom handles, or official fuzzball bats are used.

the gameplay is similar to that of baseball, with base running, balls and strikes, hits, and outs. A match is played in an innings format where the two teams alternate between batting and pitching. The number of players in a team, number of strikes that count as an out, number of balls that results in a free base run, number of outs that results in the end of an innings, all varies based on what is accepted between the two teams. If space is a limitation, then base running is replaced with virtual base running based on the distance of the hit, similar to corkball.

Fuzzball is a dying sport with not many new players entering the sport. In some regions the sport is used as a means to enter into corkball leagues.

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