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Brännboll, which is also called brennball or slåball in Norway and rundbold in Denmark, is a game that has similarities to rounders, baseball, lapta and pesapallo. The term brännboll is from the act of catching a player between two bases, which is called burning them (branna).

Brännboll is played on an amateur level in Scandivia (particularly Sweden, Norway, and Denmark) and also in Germany. It is played in parks and fields, and it is also part of the physical education curriculum in some schools. The rules of brännboll vary in different areas, but they share some common rules.

kids playing a bat and ball game in Norwaykids playing a bat and ball game in Norway

Unlike baseball and cricket, brannboll has no pitcher; the batter throws the ball and hits it with the bat. If the batter hits the ball, they will then make their way around the four bases. The team can play as many players in the base as there are no restrictions. There is a world championship called Brannbollscuper which is held yearly in Umea, Sweden.

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