There are a range of fitness components that contribute to successful hockey performance. More than one is usually important, though in this poll we ask you only to nominate what you consider the most important fitness component. There are many other factors for success in this sport — see the survey and rate each of them.
Disclaimer: These polls are not scientific, and only reflect the opinion of visitors to this website who have chosen to participate.
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- more hockey polls
- See the results of a similar poll about the fitness components of ice hockey
- More about components of fitness
- Top ranking sports for fitness components
- List of Sports and Fitness Polls
- Other fitness polls
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Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- I think hockey is all about agility and cardiovascular endurance. They both directly relate to the game and speed isn't as vital (from Alejandro, Nov 2012)
- Which position you play will depend on what fitness component you need most. Inners need cardiovascular endurance more than goalies do, and goalies need more power and agility than cardiovascular endurance. it is best if you have them all, but some aren't as important as others depending on where you are playing.
- I'm an elite hockey goal keeper and the most needed skill for me is agility and speed/quickness but that is only coming from a goalkeppers view on things (from James G, June 2012)
- Actually hockey only last 70 mins but is fast paced so you need great cardio in order to recover quickly from sprint after sprint mainly only at a high level though (from Micky, Feb 2012)
- I am a hockey player and i always use agility yes you need speed but most of all you need movement flexibility and skills + you need to play as a team i should know i am good at hockey (from damon, Jan 2012)
- I think that hockey is all about the agility, reaction time and cardiovascular endurance. This is because we are on the field for 90 minutes a game with very little rest unless we are on the bench. We are running back and forth the whole time so we need to be fast and react quickly. The ball can be passed to us with a few seconds notice. (from Samantha Love, Oct 2010)
- Balance is related in all the nueromuscular function and brain it avoid injuries. (from ganesh indian Oct, 2010)