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Drink Like A Champion

It is important for people exercising to replace fluids that are lost through sweating to avoid dehydration. There is a multitude of sports drink choices out there, and even some that are promoted by sports champions. Do you just follow what your hero is drinking, or do you really know what is best for you.

Gatorade Bolt Lemon Ice

The drink Bolt Lemon Ice by Gatorade is inspired by the world's fastest man, 100m and 200m world record holder Usain Bolt. The drink comes in a 600ml bottle, and contains a six-per cent carbohydrate which helps speed fluid back into the body and fuel working muscles. In actual fact the drink is the same formula as other Gatorade drinks and delivers the same benefits, the only difference being the new flavour, Lemon Ice.

The beverage has been available in Australia since August 2010, and Gatorade says they have no plans to release the drink elsewhere. In Australia, the entire Gatorade range has an even greater endorsement, being used and endorsed by the Australian Institute of Sport, Victorian Institute of Sport and Sports Dietitians Australia.

Gatorade Tiger Focus

In 2008 Tiger Woods joined with Pepsico Inc. to create a sports drink, designed for athletes of many sports, but was particularly appropriate for golfers. Tiger selected the flavors (cherry, lemon lime and grape) of this drink containing 25 per cent more electrolytes than Gatorade's signature sports drink product 'Thirst Quencher'. In 2009 it was rebranded Gatorade Tiger Focus, and the composition changed. Theanine was added, an amino acid found in many forms of tea, and said to improve mental focus. Focus contained about 50 mg of theanine per half-liter (16.9 oz) bottle. Unfortunately due to declining sales the product was dropped at the end of 2009, and this was apparently not at all linked to the Tiger Wood's indiscretions of 2009.

keep hydrated during exercise keep hydrated during exercise

And there's more ...

These are not sports drinks, but energy drinks.

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