Images > Sport Stadiums > Spiridon Louis entering the stadium at the end of the marathon.
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Spiridon Louis entering the stadium at the end of the marathon
Spiridon Louis entering the stadium at the end of the marathon. This is the athletic stadium in Athens that hosted the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. This image is taken from: Coubertin, Pierre de; Philemon, Timoleon J.; Politis, N.G.; Anninos, Charalambos. The Olympic Games, BC 776 - AD 1896, Second Part. Trans. A. v. K. Athens: Charles Beck; London: H. Grevel and Co., 1897, p. 77This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1923.The image was discovered on wikimedia commons, 2012.
public domain: This image is believed to be in the public domain. Public domain images are images whose copyrights have expired, or were never copyrighted, and therefore are not protected under intellectual property laws. The work is now owned by the public, anyone can copy, manipulate, distribute, display or simply use it anyway he wants.
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