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If you ever wonder where ten-pin bowling, duckpin bowling, candlepin bowling (in the United States), and five-pin bowling descended, this sport will give you the answer. Skittles is an indoor pub game which originally started as a lawn game in Europe, and has shared ancestry with the outdoor lawn game known as bowls and is thus distantly related to billiard sports and eventually develops an inspiration for the ball-pin-alley. Though there are also local versions of the game found elsewhere, the above mentioned are the most common heard versions.

Skittles is usually played indoors using one or more heavy balls, which are usually spherical in shape and sometimes oblate, on a bowling alley. In this game, there would commonly be nine skittles (small bowling pins).

The main objective of the game is basically for the player to hit a specific one, or all of the skittles, depending on the game rules, since different regions have different specifications on the rules (and different pin names too).

skittles gameskittles game from the detail of the painting "Skittle Players in a Garden" by Pieter de Hooch

Skittles game rule variants include:

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