There are a range of fitness components that contribute to successful basketball performance. More than one is usually important, though in this poll we ask you only to nominate what you consider the most important fitness component. There are many other factors for success in this sport — see the survey and rate each of them.
Disclaimer: These polls are not scientific, and only reflect the opinion of visitors to this website who have chosen to participate.
Related Pages
- The attributes of a great basketball player
- More basketball polls
- More about components of fitness
- Top ranking sports for fitness components
- List of Sports and Fitness Polls
- Other fitness polls

Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- First I beg your pardon for my English. second, From my point of view, the initial work on the balance (hold any position of the body against the force of gravity) and coordination (neuromuscular control of movement), facilitate improvements in speed, agility, strength. So for me are the two most important points for a basketball player (from christian, Mar 2013)
- I think power, for when you are backing down in the post its hard to get straight up to avoid the defender. this is also the case when driving the lane as there may be defenders you need to be able to fight through, get the foul and one. (from dane, Dec 2012)
- For me power is the main component of fitness, because you need power in everything you do. Power to get boards, power to shoot the ball, power in sprinting for a fast break. So yea power is the main component for me. (from Simon, Oct 2012)
- As basketball is a quick fast action packed sport you need to be able to move fast in all directions to receive the ball, agility matters also as you need to be able to change direction at the matter of instinct especially if there is a player coming towards you. (from brayan benjamin, Sept 2012)
- For me agility is the most factors that makes team success because there is a defense of an opponents, that why we should have an agility to control our body to move in any direction and also our ball (from john, Dec 2010)