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What do you think is the world's fittest sport?

Which sport do you think requires the greatest overall demands of fitness? Here are the results of a poll which asked which sport has the greatest overall demands of fitness (not necessarily the sport with the fittest athlete). The results are based on a total of 261 votes.

The original list consisted of 15 sports that are usually considered to be the fittest, though in retrospect there are a few others that should have been on the list such as motocross, which probably accounts for the high number of 'other' votes. This poll has been archived, and we created an updated poll about the fittest sports which includes many more sport options to choose.

This poll has been a basis of the competition to determine the World's Fittest Sport, this time many more sports are included.

What did you consider as the world's fittest sport?

Sport Votes Percent
other 47 18%
Soccer 41 16%
Aussie Rules 29 11%
Boxing 25 10%
Squash 20 8%
X-Country Skiing 18 7%
Rugby 14 5%
Tennis 12 5%
Water Polo 9 3%
Gymnastics 9 3%
Basketball 9 3%
American Football 8 3%
Ice Hockey 7 3%
Wrestling 6 25
Field Hockey 6 2%
Lacrosse 1 0

Disclaimer: These polls are not scientific, and only reflect the opinion of visitors to this website who have chosen to participate.

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