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Triathle is a competition, similar to triathlon, in which athletes compete in three different events as a part of a single race: shooting, swimming and running. The sport is derived from modern pentathlon.

All the three events of the competition takes place on the beach. The first is the shooting leg. The shooting range is a few meters away for the starting point, and athletes race towards it to pick up their guns and start shooting. Laser guns with sensitive targets are used for this leg. Competitors have to register at least five shots at the target to complete the shooting leg.

The next is the swimming leg which consists of swimming in the sea on a course closer to the beach. The swim course is built using buoys and athletes have to swim around it. The end of the swimming leg leads the athletes onto the running course which is the final leg of the race.

The running event takes place on soft sand. The total running distance of the course is 320 meters, and is designed with several turns.

Triathle races are conducted for both men and women of different age groups. It is an international sport and athletes from various countries take part in competitions.

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