High Power Rifle is a shooting sport that originated in the United States, which is the only place where the sport is popular.
There are four common types of High Power Rifle matches: Service rifle, Open, Axis and Allies and F-Class, of which the Service rifle matches are the most popular.
A service rifle match is conducted in four stages.
- 1st stage involves slow firing of 10 shots in 10 minutes, on a standing position from a distance of 200 yards.
- 2nd stage involves rapid firing with reload, of 10 shots in 60 seconds, sitting or kneeling, from a distance of 200 yards.
- 3rd stage involves rapid firing with reload, of 10 shots in 70 seconds, on a prone position, from 300 yards distance.
- 4th stage involves a slow firing of 20 shots in 20 minutes, on a prone position, from a distance 600 yards.

Points are awarded for each of the 50 shots. The shooter with the highest number of aggregate points is declared as the winner. In case of a tie, shots at the much smaller "X" target within the primary target is used to decide the winner.
F-Class matches, which involve shooting from 300 to 1200 yards, in a prone position is slowly gaining popularity.
Similar Sports
- Benchrest Shooting — a shooting sport where the participant shoots with a rifle at the bench.
- Fullbore Target Rifle Shooting — using rifles, shooters hit paper targets in a prone position.
- Popinjay — a shooting sport with either bows or rifles, in which the bird-like target is suspended from a pole.
- Biathlon — a combination of cross-country skiing and rifle shooting
Related Pages
- About Shooting Sports — many events involving shooting at targets using guns like pistols and rifles.
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.