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Artistic Billiards

Artistic billiards is a Carom Billiards discipline, a Cue Sport, in which players score points for performing 76 preset shots of varying difficulty. It is sometimes called fantasy billiards.

Artistic billiards sport is basically a carom billiards sport in which many players compete with each other by performing 76 stipulated shots of unpredictable difficulty in the competition. Every set shot played by the player has a maximum point’s value which is awarded after perfect execution by the player. The points range from 4 to 11 depending upon the shots played by the player.

The total number of points available in this sport is 500, which is the combination of 76 perfect shots played by the player. The governing management of this sport is Confederation International (CIBA). The players in this game will have to play every shot in different positions to earn points. Three attempts are given to the player to play the shots.

pool tables pool hall player

The players require a high level of skill to earn points in this game. The shots which mostly players play in this game are force draws, compound rail jerking, jumps, sidespin, force follows and many more.

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