There are a range of fitness components that contribute to successful netball performance. More than one is usually important, though in this poll we ask you only to nominate what you consider the most important fitness component. There are many other factors for success in this sport — see the survey and rate each of them.
Disclaimer: These polls are not scientific, and only reflect the opinion of visitors to this website who have chosen to participate.
Related Pages
- more netball polls
- More about components of fitness
- Top ranking sports for fitness components
- List of Sports and Fitness Polls
- Other fitness polls
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Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- I think that netball is definitely a sport for both girls and guys and it's great when the guys want to play. Keep it up guys!!! (from Ann, Feb 2013)
- Ermm just to put it out there ... where does it say it isn't for boys?? (from Lilly, Oct 2012)
- Because, boys don't play it right anyway. you rush it. Youse would enjoy basketball as you can run more etc. (from chelsea, Sept 2012)
- I think it's cool if a guy likes netball. and i definitely don't think it should just be for girls.
- Netball is a sport that mostly girls/women play but it is great fun for everyone. I know many boys that play and say it is heaps of fun. Most 'Footy' boys i have talked to say is is not for boys, but all the boys that play that i have asked said there should be just boys teams ... Everyone has their own opinon but it IS a sport for girls and boys! P.s. Boy look very funny running around on the court! (from Hannah, June 2012)
- There is no reason for it to not be for boys x (from corrie, Jan 2012)
- I love netball and im a boy too. I dont know why people says its not for boys or its not fun for boys but if i were you i would just ignore them and continue playing ... i especially love indoor netball. Its good to hear that a boy has taken initiative to come to this website and ask a question (above) good one (from Kory Kray, Oct 2011)
- Netball is very fun to me but still I'm a boy why do pple say is not fun for a boy (from kabelo dikatholo, July 2011).