We use the ratings from users of this site to compare two sports, in this case we compare two battle sports, boxing and wrestling. To add your own rating, see the factors of success for Boxing and Wrestling. By comparing the current ratings for each component of athleticism, we can see which one is considered more important.
For each of the factors below, people have rated them between 1 for not important, up to 5 very important.
As you can see, although there are some similarities between the two sports, people have rated them differently for many of these factors. What is the most important factor for one sport may not necessarily be the most important for the other.
This comparison will determine which sport requires a greater level of all round athleticism. The winner is based on head to head comparisons on a number of important factors of success in sport, as rated by you (see how the winners are calculated). As the rating is ongoing, the comparison may change over time.
These two fighting sports are similar in many ways. See how they compare, head to head for each component, in the table below. Many factores were rated similarly for the two sports, but in terms of aerobic power, speed, and agility, boxing wins easily. On the other hand, flexibility is rated higher for wrestlers, with a few others wrestling is a little ahead. Overall, the two sports are very similar, the average of all ratings for boxing is 4.03, compared to wrestling which is 4.00.
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