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Fitness Testing for the US Secret Service

Applicants for the US Secret Service must complete a pre-employment physical fitness assessment, The Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT), which has been developed for use by the Secret Service only. The test is based on the physical requirements needed upon entry into the Special Agent and Uniformed Division Officer jobs.

Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT)

The Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT) is a pre-employment physical fitness test administered during the entry-level hiring process.

The APAT consists of four test components administered in the following order:


The APAT is scored on a point-based system. Each test component is scored on a scale from 1 to 8 points. Applicants must meet a minimum level for all components and achieve a minimum cumulative score of 20 points to pass. The standards are the same regardless of age, gender, or job applied for.

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